Blue Bolt Low Grade - 5pk - Shrimp Envy/AT Shrimpery
Homebred by Rob and Ree Bloomfield Shipped by Allen Tan of AT Shrimpery. Allen Ships on Mon, Tues
5 blue bolt Caridina shrimp. These lower grade shrimp are a beautiful blue with blue heads and white bodies. The blue color changes often creating a lot of variety day to day. The berried females tend to show the deepest blue! Blue Bolts are graded by the amount of Blue on their bodies, starting with low grades at 25% blue coverage up to extreme blue bolts being at least 90% blue.
Parameters in which we keep our colony with great success:
GH:4 / KH:0 / TDS:100 / pH: 6.0
**Important shipping note: These shrimp will be shipped directly from the breeder. Please be sure that your current order contains only shrimp from this specific breeder as this order will go specifically to your breeder. Multiple shrimp orders from the same breeder can be combined, however orders containing shrimp from multiple breeders cannot be combined. Please note that we will contact you regarding your order if there are orders from multiple breeders. Please be sure that your contact information is current and up-to-date in the event that there is any mishaps.