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White Ghost Crystal Bees – High Grade 5+1 - Ryan Hoagland

In stock: 6 available
Product Details

5 High Grade Ghost Bee shrimp

Ghost bees are a type of crystal shrimp that are typically hardier than many other caridina, but also one of the more interesting types.They display the iconic 3-stripe Bee pattern with bright white spaced apart with clear base color.What sets these shrimp apart further is there is the bright blue, almost fluorescent, saddles and eggs that develop on mature females.

Parameters in which we keep our colonies with great success: GH:5 / KH:0 / TDS:110 / pH:5.8-6

All Ryan Hoagland products will be shipped from his facility in Indiana. Therefore they must be purchased in a separate transaction using the Ryan Hoagland shipping options. Moss & shrimp ship on Monday and Tuesdays.

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White Ghost Crystal Bees – High Grade 5+1 - Ryan Hoagland
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